
Tinker Bits IV: Train Engine Metal Meeples

Created by Tesh of Project Khopesh

Engineers, Bandits, Engines and Tracks! The fourth generation of Tinker Metal Meeples for your tabletop or desk.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Computer Troubles, Surveys Early Next Week
over 4 years ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 08:19:36 PM

Hello everyone!

Just a minor update today, noting a delay in the surveys.  I'm sorry, we've had some pretty severe computer problems with my work computer, which has delayed the setup of surveys and the BackerKit system, among other things.  It's recommended that we don't send surveys until two weeks after the project ends anyway to make sure everyone can sort out any credit card problems that pop up (you'll get messages if your card had trouble), but I figured it would be good to let you all know that we're still here, still working on things, still excited to get these made and sent out to everyone.

We'll try to have the surveys sent out on Monday, if possible, if not, then Tuesday or Wednesday.  It's not entirely under my control which is a bit annoying, I'm sorry.  BackerKit should be ready then, too.

Thank you everyone!


Tickets Punched, Train Engaged!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 12:21:41 AM

Hello everyone!

We are funded and ready to get this train rolling!  Thank you, everyone!

As noted in a last minute edit to the project (at the top of the main campaign page), we'll be using BackerKit, though if you only want to answer the Kickstarter survey, that will work.  BackerKit is just much better at handling Add On items, and for allowing people to slide in after the campaign using their Preorder system.  It's not necessary for every backer, it's just a very nice option.

This is the link for that BackerKit Preorder system, which isn't quite set up at the moment, but will be within a few days (the link won't change).

Tinker Bits IV BackerKit Preorders

Speaking of which, now we wait for Kickstarter to process the "charging of the credit cards" and such, and to send us the proceeds.  I'll be setting up the surveys and the BackerKit shop in the meantime.  In about a week or so, unless something changes, we'll send out the surveys.  Those will be important, since the sooner we know what selections you all make, the sooner we know what we need to order, and we can get things rolling at the factory.

Again, the BackerKit system will allow anyone who can find it to jump in and be a part of this project, so if you know of interested parties, please let them know about these little meeples and other assorted goodies we have on hand, including the Goblin Brain dice.

Speaking of those, the Add On pricing for them will be $5 for a pair, $8 for a set of 5, and $9 for a set of 6 (U.S. shipping baked in, if you're outside of the 'States and want some, we might need to follow up a bit since shipping overseas can be expensive... but pegging them as Add On items instead of a pledge on their own should let us avoid most troubles).  They can be either color or a mix of the two.

Thank you again, everyone, and we'll keep in touch!


Funded, Thank You!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 01:15:10 AM

Thank you for getting us to our goal!  We are having some tech difficulties, being away from home, hence the delay. We are looking forward to getting these out to everyone! Please keep telling your friends, the more the merrier!


New Add On: Goblin Brain Dice
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Aug 04, 2019 at 04:32:34 PM

Hello everyone!

Thank you again for joining us on this project, and for spreading the word.  It really does help.

We've had a few projects "in the works" for a while now, and as it happens, one of them finally clicked.  We went out on a small limb to see what a smaller factory could do with our designs, and produced Goblin Brain dice.

A few thousand (factories require large orders) of these showed up on our doorstep yesterday, ready to find new homes.  I had no good idea when we'd actually see them, so this was a nice surprise.

We'll be adding them to this project as Add On items.  I'll make an infographic for them later, but for now, a question: if you were to buy some of these, how many would you be looking for?  We can make Add On items with varied quantities, but it's good to have a sense of what might actually be useful.

Thank you all, and please keep telling people about the project!


Sharing and Sightseeing
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 01:21:15 AM

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for your support!  It's great to see you all joining the project, and we appreciate the pictures and links you've shared of our previous Tinker goodies and mentions of this project.  It really does help, since more than half of the places we've tried to drum up interest in the past have either gone dark or don't accept self-promotion any more.  It's been tricky for us to get the word out, and anything you all can do for us is most appreciated!


Per request, I've added one more pledge tier, the Sightseer.  This is just a $1 toehold, as it were, for anyone who may be interested in the proceedings, the Add Ons, or maybe even moving into another pledge tier at some point.  We've never had much traffic with this sort of thing, but the more the merrier!

Speaking of traffic, it's been slow lately, and we're trying to get the word out as much as we can.  Kickstarter campaigns usually have a slow middle, though.  That's one reason some people do stretch goals, to maintain interest.  Sometimes those work, sometimes they don't... this time, we rolled the Engine and Track models into the main campaign instead of making them stretch goals.  It simplified matters somewhat, though it does mean we're not drumming up interest with Big New Announcements every few days.


So, while it may seem quiet around here, we're still working on getting the word out, and I'm working with two different dice companies on side projects that we've had in the works for a long time.  If we're lucky, we can kick the factories in gear so we have those dice as Add On options.  Would that I could make them here in the garage, but alas, we still have to contract out production.

Thank you again, and please keep spreading the word!
